Habitat for Humanity Mariposa County
Committed to putting God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity unites individuals to create homes, build communities, and nurture hope.
We welcome all who believe in the right to a safe, affordable home, regardless of race, religion, gender, or political views. Habitat embraces volunteers, supporters, and future homeowners from all backgrounds.
Habitat for Humanity International and its affiliates adhere to a non-proselytizing policy, meaning that we provide assistance without any expectation of adherence to, conversion to, or exposure to religious messaging.
Homebuilding is a collaborative effort between volunteers and families, with partner families contributing 500 hours of “sweat equity” toward the construction of their home and others’.
Habitat homes are sold at no profit, with a non-interest mortgage, repaid over 30 to 45 years. These payments are recycled to build more homes for those in need.
If you want to apply as a volunteer, please, go to page http://www.mariposahabitat.org/get-involved/volunteer-donate-your-time/
Our website is http://www.mariposahabitat.org/, email is info@mariposahabitat.org, contact phone is 209-966-7444
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