Emerson Avenue Community Garden
Develop a one acre portion of the campus of Orville Wright Middle School into a sustainable, organic food garden and green space shared by the school and the public at large for the purposes of education and community building.
Built and maintained 100% by volunteers, the Emerson Avenue Community Garden offers a sustainable, organic green space for growth and enrichment. From toddlers attending StoryTime/Music sessions, to seniors showing up for tours or our Pancake Breakfast, to scout troops using the garden for projects/activities, to families enjoying our movie nights, students at WISH & STEAM who get a chance to get out of the classroom and get their hands in the dirt; to LMU, UCLA, OTIS, USC and middle/high school students helping at the garden for service hours, to the folks who take advantage of the multitude of classes & workshops offered, the garden’s reach is incredibly wide, and deep.
If you want to apply as a volunteer, please, go to page https://www.eacgc.org/take-action
Our website is https://www.eacgc.org/, contact email is eacgcinfo@gmail.com, contact phone is 424-502-2279
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