Habitat for Humanity Solano-Napa
Motivated by the goal of putting God’s love into practice, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, strengthen communities, and inspire hope. We are committed to eliminating substandard housing both locally and globally by constructing, rehabilitating, and preserving homes; advocating for fair and just housing policies; and providing resources and training to help families improve their living conditions.
We welcome everyone who believes that all people deserve a decent, affordable home to join us, regardless of race, religion, gender, age, political views, or any other distinctions. Habitat embraces volunteers, supporters, and future homeowners from diverse backgrounds.
Habitat for Humanity International and its affiliates adhere to a strict policy against proselytizing. Assistance is provided without any conditions related to faith adherence, conversion, or exposure to religious messaging.
Choose from opportunities such as:
1. Volunteering on the build site is a fun, hands-on opportunity to build homes alongside future Habitat homeowners. No experience is required!
2. ReStore support. Build a home without even picking up a hammer! Our ReStores generate funding in support of the Habitat mission, and they are run with the help of volunteers.
3. No hardhat required. Offer behind-the-scenes assistance with everything from fundraising and event planning to volunteer coordination, advocacy, and office support. Volunteering at the ReStore is rewarding in so many ways — connect with people, meet new friends, and make a difference in our community. When you give your time to Habitat for Humanity, you give local families the opportunity to build a better foundation through affordable homeownership.
If you want to apply as a volunteer, please, go to page https://solanonapahabitat.org/restore/volunteer/
Our website is https://solanonapahabitat.org/, email is mglancy@solanonapahabitat.org, contact phone is (707) 863-0692
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