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SPCA of Mariposa County

Due Date: 2026-02-26T21:00:00.000Z
We care about animals. Our mission is to enhance the lives of companion animals and support the human-animal bond. The specific and primary purpose is to provide a facility for keeping, and caring for animals and to provide a means of enforcing laws relating to cruelty to animals. Volunteer Say, “Yes, I am here,” to a lonely shelter kitty or puppy. We can all use a little scratch behind the ears. Donate your time to help the animals! Opportunities include dog walking, puppy and kitty petting, yard sale assistance, fundraising, community outreach, and more. Your valuable gift of time will have a positive impact on our community. All of our volunteers are wonderful people just like you. As an advocate for animal welfare you will have many two legged and four legged friends! Say, “Yes, I am here,” and volunteer today. To volunteer, you must be at least 16 years old Your time translates into a better future for the animals of Mariposa County. In addition to receiving personal satisfaction, volunteers also receive the following: 👉Volunteer hours may be utilized toward communtiy service or school requirements and can also be used on a resume 👉Working with others who also share your passion for animals 👉Playing an intregal part of a team that is working to improve the quality of life of animals 👉Excellent learning experience If you want to apply as a volunteer, please, go to page Our website is, email is, contact phone is 209-966-5275

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