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Due Date: 2025-05-01T21:00:00.000Z
To Facilitate School Laptop Donations Promote digital inclusion by repurposing computing devices for the next generation. We aim to change the corporate culture of waste and indifference to one the cares about our future. We take broken, used computers from companies and refurbish them to donate to students throughout the bay area, free of charge. We also provide free coding and technology literacy courses to children. Please visit for detailed info on our goals. Please feel free to contact us at 1-844-900-RRRC or Please spread the word with your social media. With your help, we all can help bridge the digital divide one kid at a time. We are looking for volunteer leaders from the IT, Education, and Environmental professions to help make our organization a success. We are also looking for students from high schools, colleges and universities who want to make a difference in a kid's life by offering expertise in computer technology, education, and saving the environment. It takes a village to raise a kid; it also takes a community to help a kid in need catch up with the digital age. We help kids pursue their dreams with computers. We encourage corporations to donate rather than recycle their laptop computers. We then refurbish the laptop computers to give them to low income K-12 kids for education. Come to join us to make a difference! Volunteers are the driving force behind the organization, and come from all backgrounds and experience levels. We are currently looking for volunteers on the following teams: Public Relations Team Fundraising Team Donation Drive Team Technology Team Media Team Translation Team To learn more about getting involved, please send an email to Our website is, contact email is, contact phone is (844) 900-7772

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