Big Brothers Big Sisters - Milpitas (The Bay Area)
Our goal is to build and maintain one-on-one mentoring relationships that inspire youth to achieve their greatest potential. At Big Brothers Big Sisters, we recognize that "small moments can create big happiness" in a child's life! Research shows the profound and lasting impact of mentoring: our Littles are 52% less likely to skip school, 46% less likely to experiment with illegal drugs, and more likely to establish strong connections with family and peers.
Becoming a Big Brother or Big Sister is one of the most fulfilling experiences you'll ever have. Spending just a few hours mentoring a child a few times a month can have a BIG impact on their life.
How It Works:
Depending on the program, you may meet your Little in the community, online via ZOOM, or through one of our site-based programs. Littles come from diverse backgrounds, from very young children (as young as six) to teenagers. They may live close by or further away, but they all share a common need: your support!
What's Required From You:
Submit an application
Provide three references
Attend an in-person interview
Pass a background check (for adult volunteers)
Attend orientation/training
If you want to apply as a volunteer, please, go to page
Our website is, contact email is, contact phone is 408-586-0150
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