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Creek Lands Conservation

Due Date: 2026-10-16T21:00:00.000Z
To conserve and restore freshwater and near shore marine ecosystems throughout California’s Central Coast We Take Action By... Monitoring the quality and quantity of streamflows to inform design projects that benefit aquatic ecosystems in Central Coast watersheds. Providing practical water management solutions to public and private partners to help develop secure and resilient water supplies for people and nature. Getting people out into nature with impactful practices that forever connect us to the lands and waters that sustain us and to create capable “eco stewards” that thrive on the Central Coast. VOLUNTEER YOUR TIME & SKILLS When we rally around the revival of our ecosystems, we become more revived ourselves. From environmental restoration projects to classroom education, our volunteer opportunities connect you with nature and your community. To sign-up to volunteer or to request more information, please complete the form on the page Our website is, contact email is, contact phone is (805) 473-8221

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