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Due Date: 2025-10-23T21:00:00.000Z
Our mission is to reduce food waste by bringing awareness about food waste among community, corporates and youth/kids, recover wonky produce, and recycle food waste through organic composting and animal feed. Our vision is to bring balance in our local community using existing discarded waste to create a clean, peaceful and healthy environment. 1. Creating awareness about food waste, its impact on the environment and ways to prevent it by bringing knowledge to your doorsteps through local schools and community partnerships for a better tomorrow. 2. Reducing hunger by recovering ugly produce at low cost and sharing with the needy, underprivileged people in Santa Clara county. 3. Provide a clean, pollution-free environment by recycling food waste into organic compost at densely populated urban households and reducing landfills. 4. Provide low-cost animal care in local farms by recycling food waste into animal feed reducing wastage of resources. If you want to apply as a volunteer, please, go to page Our website is, email is, contact phone is 800.704.4474

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